Brand Conversations That Actually Convert | Kate DiLeo | Power Lounge S3 E05


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Be a part of our LIVE podcast audience and end your week with Together Digital's Chief Empowerment Officer, Amy Vaughan as she hosts authentic conversations with women in digital who wish to see change or be the change within their industry.

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Stories don’t compel people to buy. Conversations do. Skip the complex and ineffective narratives, and develop the three critical messaging components of a brand that wins more work. This session will teach you how to build a simple yet provocative go-to-market message (brand pitch) that creates compelling common ground with your target audiences, so they ultimately buy from you versus the competition.

Discover the untold secrets behind a brand that doesn't just whisper, but roars in the marketplace! Join me, Amy Vaughn, as I sit down with the unstoppable force in branding, Kate DeLeo. Together, we unravel the misconceptions that trap so many businesses in a cycle of mediocrity. Forget the tall tales you've heard; it's not about storytelling—it's about sparking conversations that lead to registers ringing. Tune in as Kate breaks down her brand trifecta formula, revolutionizing the way you approach potential clients and transforming your messages into irresistible sirens of sales.

We dissect the myths that could be stifling your growth, and Kate reveals how authenticity isn't just a buzzword—it's your ticket to a clientele that cherishes what you alone can offer. For the women entrepreneurs listening, we shine a light on the power of owning your unique qualities, and how saying 'no' can sometimes be the loudest 'yes' to skyrocketing your success. Whether you're crafting a tagline or curating your brand's entire image, our conversation is a goldmine of insights on creating a brand message that doesn't just speak to your audience but speaks them into action.

Kate's LinkedIn
Brand Trifecta
Kate's Website
Building a Story Brand
Muting The Megaphone

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